Group A

Frequency response techniques: Nyquist criteria-the principle of argument, the Nyquist path; Nyquist criteria for stability, effect of addition of poles and zeros on the shape of Nyquist locus.
Relative stability_ Determination of gain margin and phase margin from Nyquist and Bode plots. Constant M and N loci in the G-plane; Nichol's charts. Application of Nichol's charts.
State space techniques: State variable analysis of dynamical systems, canonical forms, controllability and observability, stability. Introduction to optimal control, quadratic performance index and regulator problems.

Group B

Compensation techniques: Specifications of control systems in time and frequency domains. Series compensations-lag, lead and lag-lead design using Bode plots. Linear system design by state variable feedback.
Discrete data systems: Z-transforms and inverse Z-transforms, stability-unit circle, bilinear transform, Jury's stability criterion. Difference equations. Types of digital control of plants.
Nonlinear elements and systems: Phase-plane and describing function methods. Stability analysis and Liapunov's method.

Recommended Books
•  I J Nagrath and M Gopal. Control System Engineering.
New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
•  M Gopal. Modern Control Theory. Prentice-Hall of India
(P) Ltd., New Delhi.
•  K Ogata. Modern Control Engineering. Prentice-Hall of
India (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

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