As we know that Institution of Engineers ( India) is the largest engineering body in India , it has bilateral relation with almost all big professional engineering body around the world .
The Institution of Engineers (India) has established bilateral relations with Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) to facilitate communication and joint activities between the two organizations. An Agreement of Co-operation was signed to this effect on 15 Dec 2011 during the 26th Indian Engineering Congress held at Bangalore. The Agreement was signed byMr John H Lin, President, CIE from the CIE side and Mr G Prabhakar, President, IEI and Maj Gen R K Sanan, VSM, (Retd) Secretary and Director General, IEI from the IEI side.The Agreement between IEI and a counterpart society in another country is to exchange technical, scientific and professional information to serve their membership and engineering profession. To date, IEI has bi-lateral relations with twenty seven professional engineering organizationsacross the world.