Chemical Reaction Engineering

Chemical Reaction Engineering

Group A

Classification of Reactors and reactions . Definition of reaction rate. Rate theories- the Arrhenius relationship. Collision theory and activated complex theory.

Order of reaction and its determination . interpretation of kinetic data for batch and flow systems . Integral and differential methods of analysis.

Design of batch , semi-batch and flow reactors for ideal single reactions , reactions in series and parallel and mixed reactions- all under isothermal conditions.

Group B

Comparison of performance of CSTR with PFR . The effect volume change during the reaction. Re-active distillation . Membrane rectors. Introduction to design of adiabatic and non-isothermal reactors. kinetics and typical example of uncatalyzed heterogeneous reactions.

Proprieties of catalysts and their determination. Classification of catalysts. General Procedure for manufacture of catalysts. Promoters , inhibitors and poisons . Mechanism of catalyzed reactions. Design of  fixed bed and fluidized bed catalytic under isothermal conditions.

Introductions to non-ideal reactors . Residence time distribution , dispersion and its solution for different boundary conditions.

Recommended Books-:

1. J M Smith. Chemical Engineering Kinetics
   ( McGraw -Hill International

2. O LEvenspiel . Chemical Reaction Engineering .
    (McGraw -Hill International )

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