It is very hard to say what is the shortest possible time to complete AMIE.
AMIE completion Takes at least 3 years but it would require lots of hard work and dedication towards AMIE .
AMIE exam is conducted twice a year (June and December) and in one semester you can appear in maximum four subjects. For diploma stream students there are 13 subjects and for 10+2 students, 19 subjects to pass AMIE exams. Also includes project work and ten laboratory experiments.
AMIE completion Takes at least 3 years but it would require lots of hard work and dedication towards AMIE .
AMIE exam is conducted twice a year (June and December) and in one semester you can appear in maximum four subjects. For diploma stream students there are 13 subjects and for 10+2 students, 19 subjects to pass AMIE exams. Also includes project work and ten laboratory experiments.