Group A
Thermal power stations. Main components and working of power stations, thermodynamics
cycles, fuel handling, combustion and combus tion equipment, problem of ash disposal,
circulating water schemes and supply of make up water. Choice of pressure of steam
generation and steam temperature, selection of appropriate vacuum economiser, air pre-
heater, feedwater heaters and dust collection. Characteristics of turbo alternators, steam
power plant, heat balance and efficiency.
Boilers and steam generation, general classificati on, fire tube and water tube boilers, natural
circulation and forced circulation boilers , high pressure, high temperature boilers,
supercritical pressure boilers, boiler mounting and accessories, feed pumps, economisers,
superheaters, air preheaters; boiler furn aces, heat generation rates, water walls.
Gas fired and fuel fired oil furnaces, pulverised fuel fired furnaces, burners for gas fired, fuel
oil-fired and pulverised fuel fired furnaces, grate fired furnaces for solid fuels, feedwater
pumps and pipings, boiler settings, estimation of air quantity requirement and draught
systems, ID and FD fans.
Diesel power plants: Diesel engine performance and operation, plant layout, log sheets,
selections of engine size.
Gas turbine plants: Plant layout , methods of improving output and performance fuel and fuel
systems, methods of testing, open and closed cycle plants, operating characteristics
Group B
Combined working of power plants: Advantages of combined working of different types of
power plants, need for co-ordination of types of power plants in power systems, base load
stations and peak load stations.
Hydroelectric plants: Penstocks, water turbines , specific speed, turbine governors, hydroplant
auxiliaries, plant layout, automatic and remote control of hydroplants, pumped projects, cost
of hydroelectric project.
Nuclear power plants: Elements of nuclear power plants, nuclear reactor fuel moderators,
coolants, control.
Major electrical equipment in power plants: Generator and exciters, power and unit
transformers, circuit breakers, protective equipment, control board equipment, elements of
Power station auxiliaries. Alternate power sources. Solar powe r, geothermal, tidal and wind