Group A
Introduction. Concept of management, concept of a system, production system, production
Organisation fundamentals. Guidelines for good practice, organisation structures,
organisation charts, span of control, number of levels, number of executives, management
Production economics: Kinds of costs, evaluation of capital investments. Capital budgeting,
break-even analysis, make or buy decisions, eval uation of alternatives, discounted cash flow,
equivalent comparison methods, depreciation.
Aggregate planning. Planning time horizons, inputs to aggregate planning systems, single and
multistage aggregate planning systems, decision processes for aggregate planning—graphical
method, linear decision rule, and linear programming method-Demand management. Time
span for forecasts, forecasting system, forecas ting methods-time series, casual and predictive
forecasting methods, selection of a forecasting method.
Group B
Scheduling. Scheduling process scheduling fo r a multistage production system, sequencing
production operations, Johnson's rule.
Facilities management. Plant lo cation—factors influencing plant lo cation, cost factors, plant
location decision process, selec tion of a location for new facil ities, evaluation of alternative
regions and sub-regions. Plant layout-objectives, decision process, types of layouts,
comparison of layouts. Line ba lancing and sequence analysis concepts. Materials handling-
devices for materials handling, basic considerations in the se lection of materials handling
Human factor engineering: Methods analysis and works measurement, methods study,
process analysis, operation process chart, operator process chart, motion study, principles of
motion economy, motion analysis. Time study-types of studies, procedure for job time study,
physical environment.
Quality management: Three aspects of quality, functional responsibility for quality in a
manufacturing system, economics of quality assurance, quality control, QC decision
variables, process control, control charts, acceptance sampling, single, double and sequential
sampling plans, concept of to tal quality control (TQC).
Maintenance management: Maintenance functions, concept of reliability engineering,
reliability improvement, preventive maintenan ce, preventive maintenance policy, repair
policy, replacement decisions, queuing theory and its applications in maintenance.
Introduction to PERT/CPM.