A case of old membership. The Section 'A' candidates, who fail to secure exemption in any subject up to and including Winter 2005 Examination, are required to appear in the revised scheme w.e.f. Summer 2006 Examination without paying processing fee of Rs. 400/-.
The Section 'B' candidates, who fail to secure exemption in any subject up to and including Winter 2005 Examination, are required to appear in the revised scheme, forfeiting their earlier project work after submission of Application for Registration of Section 'B' with requisite fee of Rs. 2000/- only.
The stipulated period of six years shall be counted w.e.f. Summer 2006 Examination. click here for details.
Selection of Balance Subjects in Revised Scheme
(with effect from Summer 2006 Examination )
All candidates appeared up to and including Winter 2005 Examination in old scheme are essentially required to opt balance subjects from Revised Scheme to appear from Summer 2006 Examination. For the criteria for selection of balance subjects, click here or see the Technicians' Journal, June / December 2005 issues.