The Institution of Engineers ( India) conducting PG Diploma examination in many engineering discipline which is postgraduate degree in appropriate branch in engineering in the engineering field .For information on the forthcoming Postgraduate Diploma Examinations, click here. The Examination Programme and other related information are being sent to all registered candidates individually for information.
A candidate shall not be allowed to appear in more than three subjects. The subject(s) chosen for the examination should be strictly within the six subjects which the candidate had opted at the time of registration, or as modified by him/her in writing (see relevant rule).
For the PG Diploma Examination Form, click here. The Examination Form must be filled-in and signed by the candidate. The candidate shall give the correct Code Numbers of the Examination Centre, Branch and Subject (s), in which he/she desires to appear, and the 8-digit postgraduate registration number in the spaces provided for in the examination application form. The Institution reserves the right to reject incomplete/illegible/late received examination forms.
Centre-wise index showing inter-alia the registration number and corresponding roll number shall be available both at (i) venue of examination, and (ii) respective State/Local Centre of first choice for information of the applicants whose applications will be found in order in all respects. Admit Card to a candidate will be sent to his/her recorded address in time. Any candidate, who is not eligible to appear at the Examinations, will be duly intimated assigning the reason for rejection of the examination application form.
Centre-wise index showing inter-alia the registration number and corresponding roll number shall be available both at (i) venue of examination, and (ii) respective State/Local Centre of first choice for information of the applicants whose applications will be found in order in all respects. Admit Card to a candidate will be sent to his/her recorded address in time. Any candidate, who is not eligible to appear at the Examinations, will be duly intimated assigning the reason for rejection of the examination application form.
NOTE : The bound copies of the question papers of the Postgraduate Diploma Examinations (for Part I subjects only) from Summer 2001 Examinations onwards can be obtained by sending Rs. 50/- per set per Engineering Branch (plus Rs. 50/- for postage) through demand draft in favour of `The Institution of Engineers (India)', payable at Kolkata or from the cash counter at the headquarters office on cash payment. Similarly, Syllabus of each branch can be obtained for Rs. 100/- per copy including postage. Please do not forget to mention the branch of engineering while ordering for the old question papers or the syllabus.