From summer 2005 Institution of Engineers( India) introduced new scheme with lots of change as compare to old scheme . In new scheme Institution of Engineers (India) introduced grade system insteated of marks system.
1. Candidates Passing Sections A and B Examinations in Revised Scheme
Grade points of all subjects required to appear to complete the entire course, including laboratory experiments and project work, shall be divided by the number of subjects to arrive at the CGPA. This shall only be indicated in the pass grade card of Section B.
2.Candidates Passed Section A in Old Scheme and Section B in Revised Scheme
Candidates, who have completed Section A in old scheme securing specific marks in all required subjects and subsequently completed Section B in revised scheme securing specific grades in required subjects, CGPA shall be calculated by converting marks of individual subjects of Section A to grade points and then adding grade points of all subjects of Section A, Section B, project work, and laboratory experiments and divided by the number of applicable subjects. No separate grade card for Section A, which is already completed in old scheme, shall be issued.
3.Candidates Exempted from Section A, by virtue of Passing Sections A B Examinations earlier, and passed Section B in Additional Branch in Revised Scheme.
Such candidates shall be considered similar to those who obtained exemption from Section A by virtue of passing degree in engineering from the recognized university. CGPA for them shall be calculated adding the grade points obtained in required number of subjects in Section B, project work and laboratory experiments and dividing by number of applicable subjects.