Group A
System, property, work and heat interactions, zeroth law, first law of thermodynamics,
application of first law to clos ed systems and flow processes.
Thermodynamic properties of fluids.
Second law of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, temperature scale, Clausius inequality, entropy
increase, availability.
Thermodynamic property relations. Clapeyron’s equation.
Power and refrigeration cycles. Operating pr inciples and essentia l components of vapour
power cycles. IC engines and gas turbines.
Thermodynamics of mixtures, psychrometry.
Group B
Conduction: One-dimensional steady and unsteady state problems, fins, multidimensional
Convection: External flows, boundary layer flow on heated flat plate.
Thermally and hydro-dynamically fully develo ped 10w through a pipe, turbulence flow,
Dittus Boelter's and Sieder state correlation.
Natural convection, condensation and boiling. Heat exchangers, LMTD and e-NTU method.
Radiation: Fundamental concepts, black body radiation, surface emission, surface properties,
Kirchoff’s law, view factor, black body radiation exchange.
Rcommended Books
1. Y V C Rao An Introduction to Thermodynamics New age Internation ( P) Ltd , New Delhi
2. P K Nag. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics
3. J P Holman . Heat Transfer. McGraw Hill Internation al
4. S P Sukhatme. A text Book on Heat Transfer. Orient Longman Ltd , New Delhi
5. P K Nag Heat Transfer . Tata MeGraw –Hill Publishing Co. Ltd New Delhi