How To Make Effective Schedule For Study

A schedule is a plan that you create for how you want to spend your time. A good schedule can help you do both what you must do and what you want to do. A scheduled activity is more likely to occur than an unscheduled one.

Many students fail to develop a good study habit because of the very simple reason: they fail to stick to their schedule. The best way to combat those distractions is to be loyal to your schedule for that time. Refrain from creating excuses and you will see that you can manage your time better.

Self-discipline is very important and the easiest way to impose a self-discipline is to stick on the task or activity that you are scheduled to do for a particular period of time. If you happen to have an unexpected activity, just try your best to finish your scheduled task ahead of time. Remember that if you are known to be a person who does things as scheduled; your peers or your colleagues will also respect your time.

Now a million pound question is - how to impose self discipline? How to stick to your schedule?
Following suggestions may help:

  • Try to make each day balanced, giving yourself time for both work and play. Most people get their best work done by working intensely for a reasonable period of time, then resting or changing to something else.
  • Figure out when you are most awake and alert, and try to do your studying then. We know that people work more effectively at different times during the day.
  • Use trial and error period that will work best for you. For some people, morning is best when they are energetic. For others, late night is best when there is no noise pollution.
  • Your stickness to schedule largely depends upon your seriousness and passion for studies. If you are not serious about your studies, better, not to make any time table at all. So, to stick to your schedule, essential condition is your love for your studies in the same way you love your girlfriend and always stick to time as far as dating with her is concerned.
  • Try to develop such conditions which force you towards studies. To do this, you may read/listen biographies of successful scholars, engineers, doctors, businessmen, managers etc. These stories will inspire you from within and you will be full of verve, vim and vigour. Watch inspirational movies/documentries on TV channels (Discovery, National Geographic etc.). Imagine yourself at high position which may only be achieved only through strict study schedule. Also imagine yourself in worst position where you may be pushed if you not follow your study schedule. Fill your mind with positive thoughts so that you will be automatically forced to your time table.
  • Keep the same study schedule as your friends; it’s no good thinking you’ll study all evening if they’re watching TV or joking around.

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