Group A
Introduction to non-conventional sources—Sol ar, bio-gas, wind, tidal, geothermal.
Basic bio-conversion mechanism; source of waste; simple digester; composition and calorific
values of bio-gas.
Wind and tidal energy generation; Special characteristics; Turbine parameters and optimum
operation; Electrical power generation from wind/tidal energy.
Energy from the sun: Techniques of collection; Storage and utilisation; Types of solar
collectors; Selective surfaces; Solar thermal processes; Heating; Cooling; Drying; Power
generation, etc.
Group B
Direct energy conversion methods: Photoelectric, thermoelectric, thermionic, MHD
(magneto-hydrodynamics) and electro-chemical devices; Solar cells.
Photo voltaic; Amorphous semiconductors; Limitations of photovoltaics efficiency; Fuel
cells; Peak load demands; Developmen ts in fuel cells and applications.
Ocean thermal energy conversion; Geothermal en ergy-hot springs and steam injection; Power
plant based on OTEC and geothermal springs.
Fusion energy: Control through fusion of hydrogen and helium. Energy re lease rates-present
status and problems. Future possibilities.
Integrated energy packages using solar, biomass, wind, etc. Comparative study of non-
conventional energy sources; Cost considerations and economics.