Group A
Introduction: Goals and applications of networ ks, WAN, MAN and LAN, computer networks
and distributed computers.
Network architecture: ISO/OSI model, topology , connectivity analysis, queuing theory and
delay analysis.
Physical layer: Theoretical basis of data communication, modems, FDM and TDM, X21,
communication satellites, message and pack et switching, terminal handling polling,
multiplexing and concentration, error detec tion and correction techniques. Hamming codes
and polynomial codes.
Group B
Data link layer and network layer: Framing techniques, network pr otocols—stop and wait
protocol and its performan ce, sliding window protocol.
LANs: Ethernet and token ring. CCITT recommendation of X.25.
Introduction and overview of internet, TCP/IP, internet address. In troduction to web, web
design and search engine. Mapping of intern et address to physical address, ARP.
Routing, flow control and congestion analysis.