Syllabus of "Fundamental of Design and Manufacturing "

Subject Code- AD 301


Engineering design process and its structure. Identification and analysis of need, product design specification, standards of performance and constraints. Searching for design concept;morphological analysis,brainstorming.evaluation of design concept for physical reliability,economic feasibility and utility. Detailed design; design for manufacture, assembly, shipping, maintenance, use, and recyclability. Design checks for clarity, simplicity, modularity and safety. Standardization and size range. Reliability and robust design. Design organisation and communication, technical reports, drawing, presentations and models. Concept of manufacturing; classification of manufacturing process. Fundamental of casting. Basic understanding of commonly used casting processes(sand casting, investment casting and permanent mould casting processes) Fundamental of metal forming hot and cold working; basic understanding of primary metal forming processes(rolling,forging, extrusion and drawing processes, punching and blanking).

Group B 
Fundamental of metal cutting; tool-work interaction for production of machined surfaces. Classification of machining processes. Basic machining operations( turning, shaping, planning, drilling and milling processes) Fundamental of grinding and finishing overview of unconventional machining processes; fundamental of welding processes; introduction to primary welding and allied processes; selection of manufacturing processes. Design for manufacturability. Need of integration-commercial,economic and technological perspective; basic tool of integration; concept of a system . Introduction to information technology and its element. Introduction to group technology; introduction to simulation and database management systems. Element of integration-controllers,sensors,robots,automated machines;AGVs,AS,RS etc. Product and process design for integration; design for economic manufacturing; design for manufacturing Introduction to computer aided process planning; selection of machine tools. 

Recommended Books 
1. GK Lal, Vijay Gupta and Venkat Reddy. Fundamental of Design and Manufacturing. Narosa Publishing House. New Delhi 

Reference Books 
1.G Dieter. Engineering Design. McGraw-Hill International
2.GK Lal and S K choudhary. Fundamental of Manufacturing Processes. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 
3.SK vajpayee. Princepal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Prentice-Hall of India(P) Ltd. New Delhi.

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